Church of Singapore,
Saturday 6:30 a.m.: It’s a lovely Singapore morning here, and I hope to be able to use the hotel pool in a few moments for some exercise. Last night’s meeting was graced of the Lord. I had no idea what to expect, and was surprised to see around 300 adults in the service, along with around 60 Chinese speaking believers in another sanctuary a floor above us who watched, with a live translator, via webcast. The Lord graced the ministry with His presence and help. Many came forward afterwards to receive anointing with oil and laying on of hands. I had no idea how many COVENANT EYES books to bring to this event, and that was evidenced by the fact that we sold out last night of all the copies I had brought, and they were still wanting more. And I’m still to bring the same message again today to the two youth services they have—without any books to support it! Not what I wanted.
Today I’m speaking in the 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. youth services. The culture here in Singapore is like this: The youth (ages 12-20 or so) come to their own services on Saturdays, and then the adults go to their services on Sundays. They have two services for the youth because one won’t hold them all. I’m told they have upwards of 700 young people between the two services. I have no books to offer them, but still plan to do the covenant eyes message at the request of the pastors.
Saturday 10:00 p.m.: I’m back from the 2:00 and 5:00 p.m. youth services at Church of Singapore. The kids range from 13 to their 20s. Around 600 kids combined between the two services. I spoke on an eye covenant, and they responded with eager hearts for the Lord. Afterwards there was meaningful ministry, the laying on of hands, and anointing with oil. If I had come to Singapore for just these two services it would be enough for me. The youth pastor asked if I knew Sylvia Evans, so we had fun connecting over some shared friendships, including Kevin Graves.
Sunday 8:00 p.m.: Today’s 9 a.m. service is done in Mandarin, so I spoke with an interpreter. Many understand English well, so would laugh at my jokes before the translation came. The 11:30 service was English only, and a slightly smaller attendance than first service. In both services I spoke on God writing a story with our lives, and in the English service I closed the message by showing the baseball film. There seemed to be a strong response in both services (there was no altar call in either service). The Lord’s grace was with us, and so now I will be heading for home with a grateful heart.
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