Sept 11-13, Iglesia Comunidad Cristiana de Fe y Restauración, Bucaramanga, Colombia
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September 15, 2015
Bob Sorge
Thursday: Today I am making my way to Bucaramanga, Colombia, via Bogota. I do a night flight, Houston to Bogota, arriving into Bogota at 5:00 a.m. Then I take a Friday 7:30 a.m. domestic flight to Bucaramanga. I am told by some that Bucaramanga is one of the pearls of Colombia. Apparently the weather is warmer than Bogota but not hot like the coast. I was made to believe I’ll enjoy the city. You could Google it if you’re interested. Forecast temps for the week are lows of 65, highs of 80, with daily rains and thundershowers expected. This will be my first time to this city. The church is fairly new, I think. It’s connected to a church in Bogota where I’ve ministered a few times. Tato, who is my interpreter much of the time when I’m on Bogota, will be traveling there as well to serve as the worship leader for the conference and also my interpreter. It’s always a delight when our fellowship is renewed. I am scheduled to speak once on Friday and Saturday, and twice on Sunday morning.
p.s. It’s good to be aware of Jonathan Cahn’s message, here’s one example: 6:30 a.m.: Good morning from the Bogota airport, where I’m a bit dizzy and spacey after having a poor night’s sleep on the red-eye special to Bogota. (The seat was uncomfortable.) Nothing that naps won’t cure, smile. It’s cool here. I’m inside the airport, but it’s cool in here, and with my jacket I could wish it were a bit warmer (my body temp is in sleep-time mode). Bogota is close to the equator, but being 1.5 miles high (8660 ft), it has a very moderate climate. I’ve never seen a day in Bogota that got warmer than the mid-70s. The tropical fruits that abound here are all imported from the surrounding tropics. My connecting domestic flight to Bucaramanga departs in an hour, so I’m hanging here, writing to you, and just waiting.
I’m guessing that most of you follow me either on Twitter or Facebook, and so you probably read the daily one-liners that I post. I’ll be posting this one soon:
When you are a student of truth, you labor to explain the verse – not explain away the verse.
This one got a lot of Shares recently:
To teachers, preachers, and worship leaders: You win it in prayer before you win it on the platform.
Friday 1:30 p.m.: We’re settled in the hotel, I’ve had a nap, and have a few minutes before doing lunch with Tato, my translator, who is here in the hotel with me.
Friday 10:30 p.m.: Great night. I spoke on the cross, and from a group of around 250-275, around 25 folks came forward to make a first-time declaration of loyalty, publicly, to the cross. Followed by Communion. The presence of the Lord was sweet.
By the way, Bucaramanga is beautiful. The climate is sublime. If this city were in America, it would be a retirement hotspot.
Next: Saturday 7:00 p.m. meeting. I’m planning on speaking on an eye covenant.
Saturday 10:45 p.m.: The Lord enabled me to speak tonight on an eye covenant, the group was very attentive and receptive. Afterwards we had a prolonged time of ministry at the altar, most everyone came forward for prayer, I think. A strong, sincere response to the word of the Lord.
I will be collected at 8:45 a.m. for the morning service. Turns out we’re having just one service on Sunday, due to extenuating circumstances.
Sunday 3:00 p.m.: The service this morning was graced of the Lord. The Lord helped me share on Illegal Prayers, and everyone seemed to receive the message very well. It’s been a wonderful weekend of ministry, my heart is filled with thanks to God.
I have time for a shower and to pack my stuff up, and then will be collected at 4:15 for the trip home. 6 pm flight out of Bucaramanga, then a midnight flight out of Bogota for Houston. I should be home around 12:30 p.m. on Monday, as the Lord blesses all the flights and connections.
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