This weekend I’m ministering in a K.C. church called The Cause Church of Kansas City. My son Joel and his family have made this their home church in the past year, hence my connection with this church. When they realized I had this Sunday open, this date was suddenly thrown together. They have a Saturday 5:30pm service, and three on Sunday morning (9:30, 11:00, 12:30). They’re located on the Plaza (for those who know the KC area). The church is around 7 years old, and is already running 1000 people, amazing. It’s a very young congregation, I’m told, with a lot of people who are new to the kingdom of God. It’s going to be a great way to launch ministry in 2016!
Sunday 6:30 pm: Four excellent services this weekend. The worship team is energetic, passionate. The congregation is youthful and eager. I spoke on “eternal perspective on your trial,” using the examples of Joseph, Caleb, and Jesus to illustrate God’s eternal perspective on our trials. The grace of the Lord was evident to all of us. My heart is filled with thanksgiving.
Now I’m voting for the Broncos, for one simple reason: They are my son-in-law’s team.
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