Monday 3:00 pm: Hello from the highway, we are driving Madrid to Lugo, a 5-hour trip. Six of us are in this van: John and Jeff, missionaries based in Santander and our hosts; Penn and me are seated behind them; and in the back are Chris & Joan Wood. We enjoyed lunch at Betel with Elliott, and now have a nice ride. We’re having a pleasant time surveying the countryside. We just passed a massive cross on a hill which marks Franco’s burial plot. My hosts are dropping all kinds of interesting trivia on Spain.
Monday 9:00 pm: A happy arrival into this charming city of Lugo. There’s an amazing stone wall around the old city, I’ve seen photos of it, hope to see it in person. We’re leaving shortly for a dinner together.
Tuesday 9 pm: Today I passed on the tourist activities so I could stay back and pray. It was the right decision. I was able to prepare adequately for this afternoon’s sessions. We were able to walk from our hotel to the church. The host church has 250 people in it, it’s one of the largest churches of this entire province. A number of leaders have come to the conference from surrounding towns. Those who have come are very eager to receive, many of them are writing notes the entire time. So it’s great to minister to such an eager group. Our first session launched around 4:30 pm, and after worship I taught two sessions. The first session was bringing out principles and lessons from the life of Lot. In the second sessions, I spoke on the groaning ministry of the Holy Spirit, Rom 8:26-27. The Lord helped us, it was an excellent time. With a group of around 50. Now Penn Clark is teaching on giving, just marvelous. The group has swelled to around 120 as some folks from the local church have been able to join us. This is a strong turnout for an event in Spain.
I’ve been surprised by the price of fruit here. It’s like around half the price of fruit in USA. I want to buy all this fruit cuz it’s so cheap!
Thursday morning: Excellent meeting last night, the last night of our conference here in Lugo. I spoke on the secret place, and at the conclusion almost the entire room came forward to receiving anointing with oil, to be anointed with greater grace for the secret place. They seemed to receive the message very openly.
It’s a chilly but bright morning in Lugo, and this morning we’re heading for Santander, Spain (pronounced sun-tun-DARE). We’re hitting the road at 9:15, which is an early start for a Spanish day. First, before we leave town, we are swinging by a facility to witness the food distribution ministry of this church, they have quite an aggressive outreach of mercy to their region, even though they’re a small church by USA standards. Then we will launch into the 6-hour drive to Santander. Our hosts are speaking of taking some back roads so that we can enjoy the sights of the region better. Nicer scenery, longer trip.
John Mark Hill, my host, started a church in Santander 5 years ago, and now they run around 90 people. That’s a strong launch for this region. We’re doing a weekend conference at his church. I’m scheduled to speak Friday night and Saturday morning, the first two sessions of the weekend. After that, the sessions are divided between Chris & Joan Wood and Penn Clark. I’ll have Sunday off, smile.
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