July 12-13, World Ministry Fellowship, Addison, TX

Posted on July 17, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Wednesday: Today I’m zipping down to Dallas in preparation for ministry with worldministry.com. This ministry holds an annual gathering for their pastors and leaders in Dallas, and this year I have the privilege of speaking two of their sessions — Wed night and Thurs morning. 

In my preparation I have felt inclined toward the Lord’s chastening (Wed) and moving with the Spirit in corporate worship (Thurs). Thanks for prayer for clarity, power of impartation, strength of voice (I’m doing a lot of speaking this week and need His help). 

Thursday 12:30 pm: Greetings from DFW airport, where I am shortly boarding my flight for home. The Lord graced me strongly for both last night and this morning. There was a good response in both services at the altar, and expressions of sincere appreciation. I feel so enriched by being with these excellent pastors and leaders from many states across the USA. I’m flying home with a grateful heart.

Tomorrow morning I turn around and head out for El Paso. The event is a youth conference at a Spanish-speaking ministry in El Paso, under the leadership of a brother names Chris Richards. This event draws heavily from both sides of the border. I’ll be ministering with a translator. I’m scheduled for Friday afternoon immediately upon my arrival (4:30 pm), and then if I have enough voice for it, Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. Having just done two days, I’m hoping I have enough strength for two more days in a row. And then I speak in a church in Chihuahua, Mexico, on Sunday, two services. Thanks for praying me through!

