June 11, Salem Baptist Church, Chicago, IL

Posted on June 12, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Saturday: Today I have a direct flight to Chicago, in preparation for ministry tomorrow morning at Salem Baptist Church on Chicago’s south side. I ministered at this church back in March, at a Wednesday midweek service — on that occasion I was asked to speak on worship for a Wednesday series they were doing on worship. I spoke on the cross as the center of all worship. Afterwards, they wanted to work the calendar to find a Sunday when I could return, and this is the Sunday we found. 

This church has an astonishing facility in terms of seating capacity (their site says it holds 10,000), and it’s built in Chicago’s most crime-ridden zip code. Truly a light set on a hill. I was told they run 4000 people on Sunday mornings, but even if they are half that number, it’s a strong church in this part of the city. If you’re interested, you can visit sbcoc.org.

Sunday afternoon: Had a grand time this morning with the saints at Salem Baptist. Black churches tend to be more interactive and expressive, and so they expressed their connection with the message with clapping and amens. Which is way more fun, in my opinion.

