July 22-24, Centro Familiar Emaus, Mexico City, Mexico

Posted on July 25, 2016 by Bob Sorge

Friday morning: Today I’m off to Mexico City, via Atlanta. This will be my first time to Centro Familiar Emaus, a church on the north side of the Mexico City sprawl. I’m sharing at their annual congress, here’s their site for it: www.congresopasion.com. I’m scheduled to minister Friday night, Saturday midday, and Sunday morning. Then returning home Sunday evening. 

Friday 4:00 pm Central: I made it to CDMX! (Mexico City) I’m now in my car and being driven to my hotel, which will take 45-60 minutes in this crazy rush-hour traffic. After the heat of Kansas City and Atlanta, I’m stunned at how cool it is here, around 70. The clouds are saying that we should not overrule the possibility of rain. I’ve requested to stop at a fruit market on the way, so I can get a papaya fix. 

Friday 11:30 pm: The Lord’s grace was evident tonight. The group was composed of a lot of young people, and they responded in a sincere way to the message — I spoke on the persistent widow parable of Luke 18. Even if they weren’t blessed, I was, ha. I’m meeting some great people here. Already my heart is overflowing.

Saturday 5:00 pm: Today’s noon session on an eye covenant went well. My translator was limited, but we made it through OK. There was a good group of around 100 leaders present, and they were very attentive to the word. These saints are so eager in their hearts, which showed in their response at the conclusion. Wonderful people to be with and minister to! Afterwards we had a marvelous lunch at the pastor’s home.

Sunday 3:00 pm: Greetings from CDMX airport, where I am checked in and waiting for my 4:00 pm flight to Atlanta to board. This morning was challenging for me because of sound system and translator limitations, but the Lord helped us and we made it through. I have no idea exactly how much of the message came through, but they seemed to be edified and encouraged. Everyone bore very patiently with the struggles and limitations, and seemed to take in every word. Above all, I enjoyed the exchanges of affection with these excellent saints of God.

