Secrets of a Fruitful Heart: Small Discipleship Group

Lead A Small Discipleship Group!

For leaders of a small discipleship group, Bob has written this 2-book discipleship curriculum especially for you!

You’re going to discover that the Parable of the Sower contains the wisdom of Jesus for making disciples. It’s a one-stop landing strip for leaders like you. Everything you need for making disciples is right here in this parable! We want small groups around the world to go through this curriculum together. 

How to lead a small group through SECRETS OF A FRUITFUL HEART:
  1. Everyone in the group should get a paper copy of both the Book and Manual, if at all possible. See the strong quantity discounts we have available on this site.
  2. Assign Chapter One in both the Book and Manual. Everyone in the group should read Chapter One in the Book, and personally complete the Self-Reflection Questions in Chapter One of the Manual.
  3. Everyone should bring both books to the next meeting. At the next group meeting, work your way through the questions of your choice in the Small Group Discussion section of Chapter One. Pray together. Then assign Chapter Two in both the Book and Manual. Repeat.
  4. In this manner, assign all the Chapters and all the Appendices in both the Book and Manual until you’re finished. You’ll be working with Jesus to make disciples His way!
  5. If the study is meaningful for everyone, please submit a Testimonial to this site, so that other leaders can read how the study benefitted your group.
  6. Then do this same study all over again with another group of disciples.