Dec. 2-3 Restoration Fellowship, Pagosa Springs, CO

Posted on December 04, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Sunday 7:00 pm: I've had a marvelous weekend in Pagosa Springs, CO. This is a small town of 3000 people tucked in the SW corner of Colorado, and this church is making a significant impact in the community. They are operating a prayer room at a neutral site, and have prayer meetings daily there, just wonderful. Attendance Saturday evening was strong, with folks coming from other area churches as well. The ministry in both the Saturday and Sunday services was very meaningful. It was a weekend ordained of the Lord. They completely wiped out the book table, I didn't bring enough for the interest. Which is a reflection of their spiritual hunger, a beautiful thing.

Nov. 28-29, Chi Alpha, VA Tech, Blacksburg, VA

Posted on December 01, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Thursday evening: Had an excellent evening last night at Chi Alpha. 200 eager students. I spoke on the secret place, and at the close many came forward, voluntarily kneeling or sitting on the floor in surrender to the Lord. Sweet presence of the Lord. Afterwards they clobbered the book table, I actually didn't have enough books with me, a hungry group. And selling for $5 each didn't hurt either, ha.


Nov. 26, Berean Fellowship, Pittsburgh, PA

Posted on December 01, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Saturday morning: Today I'm flying to Pittsburgh, to be with my parents, my brother Sheldon, and his wife Tammy. I had planned this visit some months back, and now it just so happens that while I am there, my parents are moving into an independent living facility for the elderly. So I'll be with them, Lord willing, on the day of their move. (I'm with them until Wednesday morning.) Also, we're fitting a time of ministry into Sunday morning. I'll be at a church called Berean, on Pittsburgh's south side, for Sunday morning. So I'm looking forward to a great family time and ministry time. Then on Wednesday I zip down to Roanoke, Virginia.

Monday afternoon: Greetings from Pittsburgh, where I'm having a great time with my family and helping in the process of moving my parents into a senior living complex. We're enjoying great times together and basking in the Lord's goodness to my parents in their twilight years.

A quick update on Sunday. The Lord graced the ministry at Berean in a strong way on Sunday, and we heard several comments of folks expressing how meaningful the message was for them in their current season. The response at the front afterwards was sweet as many came forward as an expression of walking toward Jesus, the Author of their story.

Quick look at this week: Today (Monday) we're doing cleaning and prep work. Tuesday we move Mom and Dad into the new place. Wednesday I take an early morning flight for Roanoke. I'm speaking Wednesday night at the Chi Alpha meeting at VA Tech in Blacksburg, VA. This is a very robust Chi Alpha chapter, with up to 300 young people in attendance at their Wednesday weekly gathering. I've prepared my heart to speak on the secret place. Then I fly home Thursday morning.

Nov. 19, 8:30 & 10:30, Heritage Christian Fellowship, San Clemente, CA

Posted on November 20, 2017 by Bob Sorge

I spoke on Jesus, the Author, writing a story with our lives. We heard many comments of strong appreciation. There was a bit more time available in second service, so I showed the 7-minute baseball film in that service at the end of the message. They loved it. The altar filled in both services with believers giving themselves to the Lord in renewed ways, and laying hold of that for which Christ has laid hold of us. I feel enriched in the Spirit, my family just got larger.

Nov. 18, Jesus Center, Torrance, CA;

Posted on November 20, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Our drive to Torrance took over an hour cuz of traffic, but we finally got there. Cheryl Allen (Pasadena) did a late afternoon session, followed by dinner, and then the evening session. At the pastor’s request, I spoke on Luke 18, Unrelenting Prayer. The evening was strong in the Spirit, and strong in ministry.

Nov. 17, Vineyard Community Church, Laguna Niguel, CA

Posted on November 20, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Friday: Greetings from my hotel in Mission Viejo, CA, where I have just arrived. Tonight (Friday) I'm speaking at Vineyard Community Church, Laguna Niguel, CA. I did a  weekend of ministry with them in 2009, and am looking forward to this return visit. Saturday night is at Jesus Center, Torrance, CA. It will be my first time to be with them. Sunday morning is at Heritage Christian Fellowship, San Clemente, CA. Two morning services. My first with them as well. My host for the weekend is Steve Skolos, he took a step of faith to invite me out to the LA area, he collected me at LAX early this morning, and now we're ready to go.

Saturday morning: Had a marvelous time last night. I spoke on the secret place, and they hung on every word. At the close, their worship team just hung out and ministered to the Lord for the longest time, so very sweet. Unrushed, flowing, organic. I had brought two suitcases of books with me on the plane for Saturday evening, but as it turned out, they bought up most of the books I brought. The folks in Torrance tonight will get only leftovers.

Nov. 12, Hillcrest Church, Etowah, TN

Posted on November 13, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Sunday 6:00 pm: Saturday’s two sessions went very well, the Lord anointed the messages and we had a clear sense of being in His presence. Way sweet. Sunday morning was a tonic to my soul. The house was packed, the passion and energy in the room was palpable, and the Lord’s presence was refreshing. I spoke on the Lord’s chastening, Heb. 12, and I believe it was the right message for the moment.

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