April 17, Lighthouse Christian Fellowship, Alfred NY

Posted on April 18, 2016 by Bob Sorge

Sunday 9:00 pm: Hi from the sky. I’m on the Detroit-Kansas City leg of my journey home. This morning Chris and Joan and I piled into a car, together with Anna’s boyfriend David, and we made the 80-minute drive to Alfred NY, in order to minister at Lighthouse Christian Fellowship. Anna couldn’t join us, she had to work today. This church was planted by this pastor back in 1985, started originally as a campus ministry. Roger and Penny have labored faithfully in this university town ever since. Probably a thousand students have flowed through the church over the years. Their congregation is composed 80% of university students, which means they have nonstop turnover in their congregation. And they have grace for it. More than that, they have a vision for it.  

About Alfred NY:

Alfred is a tiny town that is host, in an unusual manner, to two universities: The University of Alfred, which is the more prestigious one, and SUNY at Alfred (the State University of NY at Alfred). The two campuses face each other on opposite sides of the main road that goes through town. Downtown Alfred is quite charming. It’s like you step suddenly out of the backwoods into a hamlet of modernity and youthful bustle. The economy of the region is countrified, not very strong, but suddenly in the middle of this village is an engine of vibrant economic activity. The zoning board won’t allow fast food restaurants in the town, so quaint shops characterize the ambience of the village. When the students are gone in the summer, it’s a ghost town. 

I spoke on an eye covenant, and while I couldn’t read the response of the kids during the presentation of the message, their response afterwards was clear. Almost every one of them came forward for laying on of hands and anointing with oil. Their hearts were eager for everything of God. Just fantastic to behold. Chris, Joan, and David joined me in ministering to folks, it was a time of powerful impartation. Afterwards, the pastor and a couple of his right-hand young men drove me up to the Rochester airport, and we enjoyed sweet fellowship on the way. So I’m coming home with a grateful, enriched heart. 

Next: Tuesday at 6 p.m. I’m speaking to the One Thing Internship at IHOP, which is a group of young adults mostly around the ages of 18-21, who are in a season of seeking to discern God’s will and path for their lives. I’m stoked to minister to this group. Thanks for praying. Then this coming Sunday I’m ministering in the Detroit area.



