Sept 19-20, Abundant Life Fellowship, Boonville, NY

Posted on September 21, 2015 by Bob Sorge

Saturday 4:15 p.m.: Greetings from Lyons Falls, NY. If anybody reading this knows where Lyons Falls, NY is, you’re a better person than I. But lo, they have a nice hotel here, The Edge. It’s a 90-minute drive from the Syracuse airport, we’re out there. Had a nice drive, and nice visit with my host Dan Tabolt, my first time to get to know him a little. He started out under Dave Larkin’s ministry, for those of you who might know that name. He has started four churches here in the “north country”: Boonville, Lowville, Camden, and Beaver Falls. Already I’m having a great time! He will collect me at 5:00 pm for the 6:30 service.

Saturday 10:15 p.m.: Turnout was good tonight for a Saturday, and the presence of the Lord was sweet. The Lord helped me in the ministry of the word, and the message went forth clearly. We closed with a meaningful time of prayer and worship. Wonderful.

I’ll be collected at 8:20 in the morning, so good night!

Sunday 5:00 pm: Greetings from the Syracuse airport, where I will be boarding shortly, heading home. Had a great time this morning with the saints at Abundant Life, strong ministry, and a rich sense of the presence of the Lord. I feel enriched to have yet another “family” in the kingdom of God joined to my heart forever.

