Thursday morning: It’s a typical overcast morning here in Curitiba. Last night’s service at Christ Community of Curitiba seemed to go well. I reckon around 500 adults gathered, with some folks coming from other churches in the city as well. I spoke on being a friend of the bridegroom, and at the end a good number of folks came forward to present themselves to the Lord. Then I enjoyed fellowship afterwards with the founders of this church, a couple that came to Brazil in the 70s from California and have raised up a powerful ministry here. They hosted Costa Deir here years ago, and know many of the west coast people we know, such as Ernest Gentile, Leonard Fox, Violet Kitely, Frank Damazio, etc.
I leave at noon today for the airport, arriving into Brasilia around 6 pm tonight Lord willing. I’m looking to share briefly with the church leaders tonight, then we start a weekend conference, Fri/Sat/Sun meetings. My host church is Manancial de Vida Church, they were the ones to extend the original invitation to Brazil. This will be my third visit with them, actually.
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