Oct. 4, Restauración a las Naciones Church, Orlando, FL

Posted on October 05, 2015 by Bob Sorge

Saturday 9:00 p.m.: I am lodged at a massive time-share complex, designed for Orlando tourists. My room overlooks the pool, smile. Westgate Lakes Resort & Spa. So if I don’t show up anywhere, ever again, maybe send somebody to come looking for me in Orlando, smile. I will be collected at 10:30 a.m. for the 11:30 service. My airport ride told me this is a tiny church, around 30-35 people, and already I know it’s going to be a blast to be with them. Their second anniversary as a church.


Sunday evening: My day started with an early prayer walk around the complex grounds. Just perfect temps! Then off to the 11:30 a.m. service. They had an extra strong attendance because of the special occasion. Longtime friends Bernie & Joy Clark also found their way to the meeting. We had a sweet time of worship, a good time of celebrating the Lord’s goodness for the two years of the church’s existence, and then the Lord graced me to speak on how He writes a story with our lives. A wonderful celebration! It was followed by a hasty lunch, then off to the airport.


I am now making my way to Dallas. When I send this, it means I’ve arrived at my Dallas hotel. I am coming here to attend the annual leadership conference at Gateway Church. The favor of the Lord has been on this church in the last ten years in a most unusual way, and I have come to taste of that and to place a bulls-eye on my heart, seeking the Lord for something fresh from Him. I’ll be here for the conference Mon/Tues, then returning home Wed morning.

