Feb. 22-25, Last Runner Conference, Seoul, Korea

Posted on February 29, 2016 by Bob Sorge

Monday afternoon: Greetings from the north side of Seoul, where we are now settled into our dormitory lodging for the Last Runner Conference. The rooms here are heated through the floor, and in time my room should warm, but in the meantime it’s taking the longest time to warm up. So I have my jacket on until then. I have my own private room, which is nice. My hunch is that some of the kids will be lodging several to a room. 

On our way here, our hosts treated us to Korean BBQ. Just amazing! The stoves are built right into your dining table, so you cook your beef right there at your fingertips. 

Monday 11:30 p.m.: First session went well. On entering the Holiest through the blood of Christ. Good flow, good response. Jaye and the team did a super job leading worship. The conference is off to a good start.

Tuesday morning: When I first visited South Korea, which I believe was in 2000, there was much talk among believers of the hope of reunification with the North. The church prayed constantly toward that end, and in fact the great prayer movement of South Korea seemed to stem from this national desperation for divine intervention. The tone in South Korea in 2016 is different. The youth in South Korea today don’t carry a passion for reunification like their parents did. In fact, they tend to oppose the idea, because they see the North as a nation that is hostile to everything they represent, and in the event of reunification would become a huge financial drain. The change in attitude is striking. 

Tuesday afternoon: I have a good report — I am doing much better with the cold. It seems like it’s in its final throes. Thanks for praying!

Tuesday  11:00 p.m.: Wonderful night. I spoke on multitude-driven worship, after which time we had a prayer line “fire tunnel” style, and everyone received impartational prayer. It’s late now, so good night.

Wednesday 10 a.m.: I’m enjoying a prayer walk right now, back and forth in the hallway of this dormitory. The halls are unheated, so I have my winter jacket on and am walking, reading, and praying. Going from the cold hallway to one’s warm room is quite a difference. Walking on a warm floor in our room is really very nice. (the heating is through the floors)

Wednesday midnight: I’m finally back to my room after a long meeting. They told me in advance to take the time I needed, so I relaxed and let the Eye Covenant message have its own cadence. Afterwards, I think just about the whole room came forward for impartational prayer. These saints are so eager, they’re ready to say YES! A very sweet spirit was in the house tonight, so my heart is filled with thanksgiving.

And now I’m hitting the hay. At 8:00 a.m. I am to go with a group to go out for “traditional Korean breakfast.”

Friday noon: I’m sitting in my hotel room and eating a Papa Johns pizza! My hosts dropped off the pizza to my room for lunch, they are spoiling me beyond measure here. This morning we were driven from the conference dormitory back to the hotel in which we first lodged upon arrival into Korea. I am in a very delightful, modern room for my final two days here. Today is a “day off” for me, so I am doing no speaking today, and will have the day to myself at the hotel. And I have much to do. Last night was the closing service of the conference, and I spoke on “it’s not business, it’s personal.” I really don’t have a way to evaluate how this conference was for my hosts and those who attended, but I had a marvelous time with them. 

Up next for me: Tomorrow I am teaching a class for people in the marketplace. This is actually the first time I’ve been asked to speak to this kind of group, so I’ve been stretching and reaching to prepare for that session. My preparation feels rather weak to me right now, so I’m asking the Lord to add His muscle to it, thanks for agreeing in prayer. 

I forgot to tell you in yesterday’s email that the Korean translation of A COVENANT WITH MY EYES was printed just last week, just in time to be made available for this conference. So when I preached on that topic, I was able to recommend the book to them as an additional and enduring resource. I was so pleased that I could do so, so pleased that the publishers got it done in time. Please pray for this Korean translation, that the Lord would take it as far as He might desire among Korean readers. 


