Saturday 10:30 pm: Tonight I spoke on chastening, and the group seemed to connect well with the message. They bought up all the copies of that title I had brought with me. The Lord’s help was evident. About 90 had gathered, they were eager to give themselves to the Lord.
Sunday afternoon: Thanks for praying me through, the Lord helped us all today, and the gathering was marvelous. Strong worship, strong anointing on the word. Afterwards, the congregation formed long lines to be anointed with oil and prayed for, so the time of ministry afterwards extended for quite some time. We were asking the Holy Spirit to anointing our understanding and give us eyes to see as God sees.
I will have four days at home this week, which I’m looking forward to very much. Maybe I’ll even find time to haul the chainsaw out, ha. Then on Friday I head for the Ukraine.
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