Nov. 7, Canada Christian College, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Posted on November 13, 2017 by Bob Sorge

Tuesday noon: Greetings from Toronto. I had an early flight here today, and am now in my hotel room. This trip started in July, when I spoke at an event in Chicago. My Toronto host was at that event, and soon afterwards was offered the position of campus worship pastor at Canadian Christian College in Toronto. So he’s new at this post. He was deeply impacted by the message I delivered in July, and has requested that I come to their Tuesday chapel this week and deliver that same message. About following the river of the Spirit in worship. In fact, they are changing the name of their Tuesday chapel services to “The River.” So I’m here to help launch that new emphasis. The Tuesday chapels are at 8:00 pm, so I’m preaching tonight. And Stephen, my host, has also arranged for me to address a group of Juniors and Seniors at 2:30 this afternoon. I have these 2 sessions today, then return home tomorrow morning. 

Wednesday 9:00 a.m.: Yesterday’s two sessions were strongly graced of the Lord. The students responded with great eagerness toward the Lord. I feel so enriched to be able to impart to such excellent young people. I had vocal strength for two sessions, thanks for praying me through!

